When printing, Shoppa accesses the drivers of the installed printers. If this process is slow, it can be perceived that it takes a long time to print from Shoppa. If you experience slow printing, please perform these actions:
- In the Windows start menu, search for “Printers”
- Open “Printers and scanners”
- Select the printer that is slow and click ”Manage”
- Click “Printing preferences”
If it takes several seconds for the printing preferences window to appear the problem is most likely caused by the printer or printer driver.
To resolve the issue, please contact your IT support who will need to reinstall the printer driver or troubleshoot the root cause. If the printing preference window opens quickly, perform these steps:
- Create a new printer binding in Shoppa, select “Microsoft XPS Writer” or “Microsoft Print to PDF” as the printer
- Print the sign
- Choose the location where you want to save the file
If this process takes as long as printing to a physical printer, the error is due to the amount of data or the complexity of the sign.
If it is faster to print to XPS or PDF, the error is due to the network or the printer and you should contact your IT support for help.