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Advanced custom installation

This is a guide to performing a customized installation of Shoppa, to fit your IT infrastructure.
This guide is intended for IT-personnel.

Before you begin please make sure that your system meet up to our system and network requirements.

Installation Media

Shoppa installation media is acquired via download link sent to you by a Shoppa employee.
You can also download the installation media from Downloads (shoppa.com) by logging in to your account. Please note that to retrieve the msi file you will have to replace the Shoppa-setup.exe within the link to shoppa.msi

If you are missing the installation media or have an outdated version, please contact Shoppa Support.

Email: Support@shoppa.com
Web form/portal: Create ticket

You may use the .exe or .msi file for installing, however, this guide is customized for installation with the .msi file.
It is worth noting that the .exe contains the dependencies to run Shoppa while the .msi does not.

The same installation media is used for all of the different Shoppa program packages and licenses.


The following parameters can be used when installing Shoppa.

APPDIR=”Path”Specifies the installation target folder
ALLUSERS=0/1All windows users will be able to run Shoppa. Required if the installation target folder is a shared Windows folder.
NOSTART=0/1Runs a quiet installation. Shoppa will no longer automatically start after the installation is complete
DBFOLDER=”Path”Specifies the local database folder used by Shoppa
HOTFOLDER=”Path”Specifies the Hotfolder location used by Shoppa
Allow or disable Shoppa update at startup. Only use TRUE if you run Shoppa through a
server or if you use a software deployment system
AUTOPRINTTEMPLATE=”TemplateName”Specifies which Shoppa template that will be used for Autoprinting through Hotfolder
PRINTERBINDINGSee this guideStore printer bindings within the installation
ALLOWMULTIPLE=FALSE/TRUEAllow or disable the possibility to run multiple sessions of Shoppa at the same time
MAXCOPIESPERDOC=20Sets the maximum number of pages per print file sent to Windows
PICTURECACHEROOT=”Path”Specifies the picture cache folder used by Shoppa
PICTURECACHEMAXSIZE=”200M”Sets the maximum size of the picture cache
USERSERVICEURL=”Path”Sets a custom URL that Shoppa will run through. Only change the default value if you run
Shoppa through a Proxy.


All users

If you want to install Shoppa so that all your AD users can run the application on the client you need to install Shoppa in a shared folder and with ALLUSERS=1 parameter:

Msiexec /i Shoppa2.msi ALLUSERS=1 APPDIR="%ProgramFiles\Shoppa"

If you use this method Shoppa will no longer be able to update at startup without administrative rights.

Silent installation

A quiet or silent installation without Shoppa automatically starting up after the installation.

msiexec /i Shoppa2.msi /quiet NOSTART=1


Hotfolder is a Shoppa addon that will allow Shoppa to locally import XML files sent from another system.
Shoppa will read from the specified folder and automatically import valid XML files.

Msiexec /i Shoppa2.msi HOTFOLDER="C:\Shoppa Hotfolder"

Disable automatic update

When a new version is present for the Shoppa user logging on, this setting allows the client to ignore updating to the new version automatically.

Please note that Shoppa do not deploy our new versions until our customer agreed to update. You will not receive a new version unless it is planned. If this setting is enabled you will no longer be able to receive future updates without reinstalling or manually running a patch file.

Msiexec /i Shoppa2.msi SKIPAUTOUPDATE=TRUE

Installation with logging

If you want more information about the installation you can run it with the following parameter.
msiexec /i Shoppa2.msi /log %appdata%\Shoppa installation\log.txt

Printer preconfiguration


It is possible to preconfigure printers in the Shoppa installation process. An alternative way to do this is to manually switch the Shoppa configuration file after the installation is complete.

This guide will cover the first option to implement the printer configuration to your installation command.

In order to deploy your installation package with printer configurations, a name standard for your printers is required in order to define their names automatically during the installation.

Example: If the printer name is ”1234-SignPrinter” where ”1234” is the store-number you can retrieve the storenumber from another source, in this case the computer name:

$ echo %computername%
$ 1234backOffice1
$ echo %computername: ~0,3%
$ 1234

Which allows us to use this while defining the printer name automatically during the installation:


Create a printer binding

Two steps are required to create a printer binding in Shoppa, add printer settings and add printer binding

Add printer setting

Define the printer settings that your stores will use in Shoppa. You can add several different combinations of settings in order to allow printing from Shoppa to different printers, paper formats or trays automatically depending on which sign format the store using. Specify the five following values for each printer setting:

nameThe name of your predefined printer setting in Shoppa. Ex: SignPrinterA4Tray1
systemNameThe printer name in your OS. Use URI for network printers and printer names for local printers.
sizeNameThe size of the paper which you print on. The size name should match the one defined in the OS printer driver for ”systemName”.
sourceNameThe name of the tray/paper source. The source name should match the one defined in the OS printer driver for ”systemName”.
printDivLinesOptional value which defines if division lines should be printed. The default value is “false”


<add name='SignPrinter' systemName='\\printserver\%clientname:~0,4%' sizeName='A4' sourceName='Tray1'
printDivLines='false' />
<add name='LabelPrinter' systemName='\\printserver\%clientname:~0,4%' sizeName='A4' sourceName='Tray2'
printDivLines='true' />

Add binding

Define the bindings between the printer settings and Shoppa’s output formats. One output format can be bound to one printer setting. To bind an output format to your printer settings, specify the following two values:

outputFormatName The format name defined in Shoppa.
printerName The name which defines your previously created printer setting.

outputFormatNameThe format defined in Shoppa
printerNameThe name which defines your previously created printer setting


<add outputFormatName='A4' printerName='SignPrinter' />
<add outputFormatName='28x34' printerName='LabelPrinter'/>

Installation parameter and example

Inside of PRINTERBINDING=”” you contain your printer settings with:


and printer bindings with:


Example of the complete parameter:

PRINTERBINDING=”<printers><add name='SignPrinter' systemName='\\printserver\%clientname:~0,4%'
sizeName='A4' sourceName='Tray1' printDivLines='false' /><add name='LabelPrinter'
systemName='\\printserver\%clientname:~0,4%' sizeName='A4' sourceName='Tray2' printDivLines='true'
/></printers><bindings><add outputFormatName='A4' printerName='SignPrinter' /><add
outputFormatName='28x34' printerName='LabelPrinter'/></bindings>"

Example of the installation:

msiexec /i Shoppa2.msi /passive NOSTART=1 PRINTERBINDING=”<printers><add name='SignPrinter'
systemName='\\printserver\%clientname:~0,4%' sizeName='A4' sourceName='Tray1' printDivLines='false'
/><add name='LabelPrinter' systemName='\\printserver\%clientname:~0,4%' sizeName='A4'
sourceName='Tray2' printDivLines='true' /></printers><bindings><add outputFormatName='A4'
printerName='SignPrinter' /><add outputFormatName='28x34' printerName='LabelPrinter'/></bindings>"
Updated on 16 juli, 2021

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